2021 COVID Impact Series
Presented Virtually
Co-hosted by TBGH & DFWBGH
The COVID Impact Series will be presented in three sessions: Register once for all three sessions.
May 26 | 11:45 am – 1:00 pm
Session 3: The Changing Landscape of COVID Rules, Regulations, and Policies: DOL Updates (EEOC, FFRCA); Can Vaccines be required? Paid or Unpaid leave? ARPA, OSHA, Etc.
COVID-19 has spurred several new laws, regulations and agency guidance that directly impact employers and their employee benefits. The suddenness and uncertainty about the pandemic has sparked fast and furious changes in government directives, causing confusion and even more uncertainty among benefits professionals tasked with communications and compliance. In this critically important third session of our COVID Impact Series, experts in health policy, corporate law, and the DOL will discuss some of these new COVID-related dictates (e.g., ARPA, FFCRA, EEOC, OSHA, COBRA , CAA, etc.) that impact benefits, return-to-work strategies, vaccine incentives, FSA flexibility, and healthcare transparency.
Featured Speakers:
Thank you to our sponsors:
Past Sessions:
April 21 | 11:45 am – 1:00 pm
Session 1: Recovering from a year of COVID: How employers & employees are adjusting to a “New Normal” economy & work environment
Featured Speakers:
May 5 | 11:45 am – 1:00 pm
Session 2: Prioritizing Mental Health & Wellbeing in a Post-Pandemic Workplace
In this second session of our COVID Impact Series, three nationally recognized mental heath experts will discuss how employees are reacting to the COVID-related challenges, disruptions and adjustments they’ve had to make in their home life, social life and work life.
You also will learn how employers are addressing these challenges, including the humane adjustments they’ve made to employee benefits to better support employees’ physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing.
Featured Speakers: